Monday, April 25, 2016

Love Can Tear People Apart

After reading My Enemy, The Queen I wanted to kept reading more.  The book allowed us to experience a different side of Queen Elizabeth through someone else’s eyes, which might be a reason that we rewrite history.  Although we know that Elizabeth does not marry Anjou, I wanted to know how does she let him down and will she ever meet with Lettice and Robert again (I might have to get the book to know how it all goes down).

Lettice was very brave to take Robert away from Queen Elizabeth.  Even though she could hide her pregnancy from Queen Elizabeth, she could have put Lettice and Robert away in the tower forever or killed them when she found out that they were married.  I was surprised that Lettice’s love for Robert stayed strong when he kept meeting up with Elizabeth.  Lettice knew what was going on when they were together and she had to watch it happen in front of her.  I know that I would have said something to her, and I think Robert would have done the same if he really wanted to be with just Lettice.  I mean I know Robert wanted to tell Queen Elizabeth at the “right time,” but there would never be a right time.   I think that both of these women ned to realize that Robert may be attractive but he is not the right man for either of the women.  Robert was using Queen Elizabeth as much as she was using him, except Robert got more out of it (higher power in the court). 

Queen Elizabeth thought that jealousy would keep Robert close to her and she was only pushing him away.  You can only push someone so far before they actually walk away.  In the same way, Robert may have married Lettice because he wanted to make Queen Elizabeth jealous, and in the end it did not work in his favor either.  Queen Elizabeth’s power got to her head and she became not only an enemy to Lettice but also an enemy to herself.  Elizabeth thought that she had overall control, and the one she loved the most got away because of her own actions.

1 comment:

  1. Monica,
    I also thought it was really interesting to see another side of Queen Elizabeth's life. I would also have to admit that it would be interesting to see how the story finishes. I also agree with the fact that if you push someone too hard they will eventually leave. I could also see this happening in this story.
