Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Point of Media

            After looking at the extensive list on the Wikipedia page of all the different forms of artistic media, I found it interesting at the vast range of it all. Some of them I don’t even take notice to sometimes. When Mr. Angello split us up into groups to talk about the ways different media can change an image or give different viewpoints on one specific topic, I found it slightly mind blowing. My group had the topic of movies and right off the bat I thought that movies leave almost nothing to the imagination of the person watching. Then, something was brought up that we do, in fact, have to infer and assume a lot of things in between the cuts/scenes of the movie. That’s just one thing that people overlook in thinking about different forms of media. 

            One way that media is being used is to express different emotions towards a specific person, place, or thing. Maybe even yourself. I am a dancer, so the performing arts is one area of media that I do enjoy participating in and watching. For the dancers, you get to let yourself feel the emotions of that dance, whether it be about something sad or something fun and lively. Dancers get to transport to a different time and transform into a new person if they so choose. Not only do the dancers feel the impact of performing arts, but the audience is also participating in whatever emotion that is evoked from a certain move as well. Many times, dances can convey different stories where the audience can follow along. It's interactive. Music is also an important media that goes along with this.

            Wherever you are, you can’t escape media. Whether that be artistic media or social media. It’s literally everywhere. Standing in the grocery store line where magazines are trying to grab readers with celebrities on the cover, commercials on TV trying to sell products, phones that keep notifying you that one of you friends posted on Facebook. We are constantly around it. When it comes down to it, media is just trying to get a point across. That could mean an emotion or something else entirely. The point is to consider all types of media and then decide what that specific thing it's trying to tell you.

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