Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Media Really is Everywhere

    I guess I hadn't really considered how many aspects of my life act as a medium until I looked at this Wikipedia page. Architecture and Food were two of the categories, for example, that I'd never really thought of in such a manner. However, now that I think about it, I suppose architects are in fact trying to convey something in their works, and when food is produced, it's done so with the intention of pleasing the customer. Both are crafts that are used as media to please others.
   I typically think of things like electronics, sounds, films and writings as the main media outlets, but maybe that's just because these are the outlets to which I'm most drawn. For example, I'm drawn to television, because I use it as a way to entertain myself, as well as a way to receive important news. Music is perhaps the media I use the most, whether it be for entertainment, or simply to relax, and it really is just a medium between me and the artist by whom it was created.
   Social Media acts as a great medium to keep up with my friends, as well as people I haven't seen in a while. I do, however, prefer some to others. I use Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat pretty much every day. The reason I'm drawn to these, is that generally the posts on these networks are going to positive or funny. If someone posts things that I find displeasing, I can quickly unfollow them, but they are still more than welcome to follow my posts. When I scroll through Facebook, on the other hand, a number of the posts are negative; people also tend to comment on almost every post, which can be sort of annoying. Aside from this, for some reason, on Facebook I tend to be friends with a lot more random people, many of whom I'm not as comfortable seeing my posts. For these reasons, Facebook is a medium from which I tend to stray away.
   Medias definitely play a big part in my life. Without media, I'd have no idea what's going on with the world, my friends, my family, etc.

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