Sunday, April 10, 2016


"Lord Robert, you make whores of my ladies, but you will not make one of me"
 Our first female avatar for this class, Queen Elizabeth, who from this movie has grown to be a very sassy person.
"I may be a woman sir William, but if I so choose it I have the heart of a man." 
If that does not scream extreme sass then I do not know what else will. Oh yeah the first quote in this post. I mean she, one does not want a man who makes her feel guilty, and two at the end she literally says she is married to England. She needs no man!

 Anyways, the start of the movie where the Catholics are preparing the Protestants to be burned at the stake gave me a really American Horror Story: Coven vibe there goes Mat referring to AHS again... #NOTMYFAULT
Like do you not see the resemblance? 

Also I really liked how the costume designer really matched Elizabeth's Coronation Outfit to the t.
Another thing I noticed while watching is the it seems that the movie follows a pattern of alternating between light and dark scenes. While watching I was wondering why they kept doing that. Then again I was wondering why they needed to torture people or burn people at the stakes like... why? Also they captured Elizabeth to imprisoner for having conspiracy to murder but then release her to become Queen of England like...
In all this movie was all over the wonder I fell asleep while watching it ( Ok for the record everyone was speaking very softly and it bored me to sleep like it is not my fault if they decide to speak softly and then out of the blue just be loud again...) 


  1. I'm glad someone else caught on to her sass. She totally owned it. Also, yeah that introduction scene was pretty intense.

  2. Everyone's loving the intro scene! Dude, I never really thought about it while I was watching, but now that you mention it - it's totally the same as that Coven scene!

    The back and forth between light and dark. It's really easy to go "oh yeah, it's the good and bad in Elizabeth (or the problems with religion in the nation...)" but when we talked in class about the viewer of the film being God, I started thinking that maybe this is how God sees us (these characters anyway).

    Queen Mary was known to be vicious and cruel, she's known in infamy as BLOODY MARRY for goodness sake. So the scenes with her were dark (bad). The scene where Elizabeth is being questioned by the three bishops (might I add that there are 3 bishops and there were 3 people burned at the stake in the beginning - 3! A HOLY NUMBER!) is dark, except for Elizabeth. Her innocence and purity in God's eyes makes her light and good. But who knows? I've been wrong before haha

  3. The whore line hit me in an interesting manner. So in the intro of Elizabeth and Robert, he's riding up on his horse with one of her ladies that he had recently frolicked with. She saw this. She knew what kind of whore HE was. Then she was all tickled that he wanted to whore with. Her a little. How is she surprised by this? WHy does she wait till later to be upset by it? How!?!?!?!
