Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Snitches Die in Ditches

Have you ever had that friend that dared you to do something bad and you kind of hesitated? You quickly went back and forth between “yeah, I’m gonna do it,” and “my mom would probably ground me for this!” You finally decide and just go for it and do it. You’re real hype about it and then you get caught . . . and your friend snitches on (as if he/she wasn’t the one to freaking dare you in the first place). That right there, that’s just down right dirty. I mean, how could you just throw someone under the bus like that?! You couldn’t just let me have my moment, you just HAD to snitch, huh?
           Sound like someone familiar? *cough cough* Marcus Brutus! Ding ding ding, we have a winner! His people complained about Caesar not listening to them and being a tyrant so he thought the way to handle this was by killing Caesar. I don’t know about you guys but whenever I have a problem with someone my first thought isn’t to kill them. I’ll be honest, I’ve probably thought about hitting someone in my head a couple more times than normal but hey, I still didn’t think about killing them. Why was that Brutus’ first option?! Has he never had a problem with someone? I’m sure he fought over something with somebody before, right? I just need answers.
            He thought he was doing Rome a favor but he was very bold to put Caesar’s death back on the people so quickly. Oh, the audacity! Take some personal responsibility Brutus, sheesh. I just think that if he came up with the “solution” and carried out the plan, he should take the blame when questions are raised. That just seemed like the logical thing to do but instead, to my disappointment, he decided to be weak and take the cop-out way. That’s what we do when we’re younger, not when we are adults, ya know? Get it together Brutus, get a freaking grip and grow up. I guess I can't be too disappointed that Brutus is a little 5-year-old snitch again because we already knew the story/story-line but sheesh, Shakespeare, I had high hopes, man, high hopes. Well, snitches die in ditches, well, maybe Brutus didn't die in a ditch but ya know, karma.


  1. I think that Brutus definitely had some trouble making the decision to kill Caesar, but like you said my first thought isn't to stab someone when something goes awry. That being said, it was definitely a different time, so of course things will be handled differently, but still it was a rash decision that Brutus had to live with...even if he didn't have to live with it for very long.

  2. If Brutus is going to be blamed for Caesar's death, every last one of the conspirators should be as well. Brutus may have done the menial labor involved in killing him, but he wasn't alone. He was pushed to make the decision...not that it excuses him from being a murderer, but I do think it's injust to put all the blame on him. In the end, he chose to end his own life because he finally realized what he had done to Caesar and to Rome.
