Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Power Struggle..

Even though I knew what was going to happen in this play, I didn’t expect that I would learn so much about Brutus. I was also surprised how early Caesar is killed. That being said… Caesar is apparently headed for power, too much power if you ask Cassius. He is now a threat to the Roman Republic. Some feel that there shouldn’t be a king, they are not a monarchy. Rome is Rome, and Romans don’t have kings. They assassinate Caesar before he can become said, King. The power struggle is real.

Such a major death leads to the civil war, where, again, we see another fight for power. Even though Roman’s claim not to want a king, they always place someone in the hot seat. Two sides grab for power, which results in the Republic being changed forever. For me, this rasied a few questions… How would I want a government to run? And does this play have a good example of a leader?

I for one, like the idea of democracy. I think our voting system (although it may seem flawed at times) gives people a voice. We can vote for candidates we believe will save our country and hope that they don’t run it into the ground. But t
here isn’t a great screening process for these candidates. Often it seems like they are given too much power, which we know can lead to a split amongst a country. Would I want a tyrant ruler like Caesar? No, of course not. But isn’t there a time when some tough love is needed?

 I don’t feel as though this play depicts a real leader. Brutus is a coward, and everyone else has their personal agenda. I think diversity is important. Different perspectives bring new ideas, and often, better results. I’m not endorsing that everyone has to get along all the time, but can people who have nothing in common, actually find a way to lead a country in a productive manner?

1 comment:

  1. I too feel like Caesar died very early in the play. I wonder how the play would have turned out and who the protagonist could have been if caesar had more of a role in the play. With that being said, if caesar had more of a role in the play, he could have been argued as the protagonist of the play because the play revolves around his death and actions and having too much power.
