Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Queen Elizabeth: a woman of many hats

Queen Elizabeth is a very interesting woman. After having read her speeches and her letters, you get to understand a lot about her personality . Elizabeth was a woman of many hats because she was able to carry herself in a different manner based upon the situation she was in . she was able to put on a strong face when in front of the military and yet be gentle enough to her sister and powerful enough while speaking to England. This is a skill that not many can do well. Most people would find themselves getting mixed up while trying to speak to certain crowds . I believe this quality was shown throughout the movie , the letters, and her speeches. This is why I believe she was a very effective leader.
 I also love how throughout her speeches she used all different kinds of pronouns. The fact that she knew when to use certain pronouns and how to use those to her advantage was truly amazing. her letters really gave me a sense of her life outside of all of the drama that came with being a queen. 


  1. I was thoroughly impressed by her writing style, you can tell she was very educated. I find it very interesting and very smart on her behalf to draw diagonal lines before she signed it to make sure nobody else added any words to her letter. In some cases, when she didnt sign the letter, like to Mary Queen of Scotts, I think it was a bash against Mary, like Queen E was too good to sign her name when writing a letter to Mary.

  2. I think her writing skills are as good as her speaking skills. She knows how to exert her authority in the right way, whether she is in power or not. I think her signing her name on some and not others, are a good way for her to show when she holds the power and when she doesn't. She signs it when she needs to be remembered or to be respectful, and she doesn't when whoever receives the letter should know exactly who it is from.

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  4. Elizabeth's letters and style of writing were definitely easier to read. I would have to agree with you, they have shown a lot of her personality. If she would have signed all of her letters the same I believe that would have shown less authority.

  5. Elizabeth is definitely a person that adapts to a situation. As we saw in the video we watched of her and through the analysis of the way she speaks, we have found that she can be very versatile when she is required to be. Through her use of words she finds a way to manipulate others very efficiently.

  6. I think it's interesting that you said it shows a lot of her personality, because as I read I found myself questioning how much was really her. In both the speeches and the letters, I was curious of how much was Elizabeth speaking from the heart and how much was her plotting and scheming before picking just the right words.
