Monday, April 11, 2016

Elizabeth and Her Transformation

Before watching Elizabeth, I did know a little about her life and era because of my mom. She is a full blown history buff when it comes to the Tudors and that time period. Knowing the main points of her life, and then going into this movie with a small idea of how it was going to go, I was slightly surprised with her character development. She grew into her role as queen gradually and it was fascinating to watch. It was also interesting to see her go from a woman who I felt like didn't really want to be queen to a woman who fully excepted it and never wanted to let go of it or the power, even with all the dangers that came with the job.

I loved watching the part where she goes before the court? I think it was, when she proposed her idea of a united England under one church. It symbolized one of her first commands as queen and you could see her internal struggle moments before when she was practicing what she was going to say. She emitted power while the other men were outraged. She showed queenly qualities and put some of those men in their places like all good women do.

Another part I loved was when she finally accepted her role. Her transformation is truly seen when her hair gets cut off and when she exclaims that she has become a virgin and is now married to England. She had to get though a ton of hardships to get to that point. The ending scene with her in all white and the powerful/hunting music in the background was what every person imagines Elizabeth to be. Mighty and powerful.


  1. I loved the first court scene too, the jump cuts of her rehearsing was hilarious and it was fun to see Elizabeth off her guard

  2. I agree with your point about the progression of her identity. It was interesting watching her go from one extreme to the other. I found reading the introduction articles last week to be very helpful in understanding the basic plot of the movie.

  3. I think her identity changing was very interesting also. From the happy free spirited girl that she was at the beginning and the serious queen that is married to England. She did go through a lot to get to that point. Also the pale white (a little creepy) make-up did make her seem powerful and mighty as you said.
