Monday, March 7, 2016

What is Going on with Caesar?

First of all, I would like to say that it is very obvious that this show has a large budget.  Based on the costuming, the sets, the extras, and the large cast of main actors; this show needed and used a lot of money.  But did all of this extravagance help with the plot of the show? In a way, yes, it did. It allowed the show to set up multiple plot points for each character, which will carry out through the season and keep people's interest.  But for our sake, it didn't. I don't know about you but I watched this thinking that the main focus would be on Caesar, with maybe a side focus on Brutus and Antony. But I was wrong, which left me very confused.

If any of you were like me and only watched the two episodes we were assigned, Caesar really is not mentioned.  We see him get elected, give a speech, be crowned, and then stabbed to death. The focus of both episodes were more on Brutus and his mother, with the occasional side plot of Titus and the Caesar siblings (Octavian and Octavia). But just with our knowledge of Caesar's life and how he is portrayed in the show, I really do not see why they were so threatened by him.  These people just elected him into power, and then they realized they goofed and changed their minds, resulting in Caesar's impalement.

Brutus's character is also all over the place. Plutarch made Brutus seem brave and noble, whereas Rome made Brutus seem indecisive and dependent on other people to make decisions for him. Brutus went from being enemies with Caesar, to wanting to be his best friend, to wanting to stay his friend but still run against him, deciding to kill him, second guessing killing him as Caesar is waiting to be stabbed, choosing to kill him, and then felling horrible about it. This guy cannot make up his mind!

I guess if I watched from the beginning, these plot points might make more sense, but a lot of it seems extra to me. And props to whoever can give a summary of the entire season justice.


  1. The book does sway from what the book depicts on a few parts. But the fact that we can see the emotions gives us a better understanding. I too am also disappointing we dint get to see much of Julius.

  2. Corissa, I completely agree with you if I would have watched it from the beginning I would probably have a better understanding of the plot. I also thought it was interesting the different ways Brutus was depicted in both Rome and Plutarch. I also thought that Brutus seemed a little indecisive and dependent on others, but I thought I was just thinking that because I only watch those two episodes.

  3. It was definitely a bit confusing starting the show 10 episodes deep. Also, it seemed like every character looked similar, which made it hard to follow; thankfully we had the PDF of character descriptions. Brutus was definitely portrayed as more valiant and courageous by Plutarch. He seemed indecisive and baseless in the TV show.
