Tuesday, March 8, 2016


I have to say when Dr.MB mentioned that we would be watching two episodes of Rome I have to admitted I was a little excited. I had never actually seen the episodes but have heard about the series.  I much rather watch a movie based off of something then to read the book first. Although Rome is a British-American-Italian historical drama television series and does not have a book published, it all ties together with what we've been discussing in class. Before watching the two episodes I read the facts about the show itself and I find it amazing, in order to re-in act history it took 750 actors and extras for the Caesar's Triumph" scene.

I knew before watching Rome I was aware that the series was based on history and drama surrounding violent transformation of Roman Republic made into Roman Empire. I feel like this series portrays higher contact of sexual activities then we have heard about in the books and readings that we have read thus far. These series showed what happened back in the day, who's to say this is how it was? The book portrayed something different, but don't all books when kind of telling the same story.

Brutus is team Caesar, he even says that Caesar has wisdom and mercy he pledges loyalty to him and urges others to do the same.  Caesar demands that whoever was against him and wanted him dead needs to join him and others in creating new Rome. While watching I noticed there were banners, wash statues and bird cases. They made a big deal of the preparation for the Triumph. I was shocked when Antony had Caesars back and didn't go run and hide when others wanted him dead. You also could definitely tell Antony definitely loved women in Rome. When watching these episodes you can actually see the different personalities from each individual not what someone else is portraying in writing. When watching this movie it was interesting to see the other members of the crew interact with the main characters we have talked about.

These episodes kinda make me want to watch Rome from the beginning to really get all the details of modern history of Rome.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about your previous thoughts of the show. I had seen commercials about the show but I never bothered watching it. But it's truly amazing just how much detail they put into these episodes and how well they illustrate the story of caesar and the gang!
