Tuesday, March 8, 2016

HBO's Rome

Before I even get started discussing my thoughts on the show and all of the in-depth analysis, I think its necessary to congratulate HBO on making phenomenal shows that have the ability to entrance an audience. You go Glen Coco.

Getting back to what is actually relevant though, which medium did I prefer? Me being me, I thought HBO's Rome was the more enjoyable experience overall. Seeing history come to life in a television show or feature film is a truly special experience because these companies have the funds to create accurate replications of what the locations actually looked like. When it comes to a book, one must rely on their imagination to fill create the scene and while that is a good ability to have, sometimes it does not do justice.

I absolutely loved the sets in the show. They were articulate and detailed. The forum was outstanding and the rooms where the scenes took place were nothing short of elaborate. Today, green screens have become so overused that people forget what it is like to have actual sets. In episode 10, I was only able to spot out three or four instances where a green screen was used. Almost all of the episode was practical and that gets an A+ in my book.

The acting was great as well. Were all of the characters outstanding? No. But they each played their respective roles well. It would be interesting to see the show today if they had the budget that Game of Thrones or the Walking Dead has. Perhaps a reboot?

Well, seeing as how Game of Thrones actually has about three of the actors from Rome, maybe they already did?

Another aspect that I personally enjoyed about the show was the intro music by Jeff Beal and his score throughout the show. It fit so well and never did the music seem out of place. In fact, this is one of the only shows I can recall in recent memory where there were long periods of time were there was no music playing. The show runners relied on the acting abilities to drive the drama and move the plot forward.

Oh and the show is graphic which is always an added bonus of HBO shows. Since it is a premium channel, they can do whatever the hell they want and the scene where Caesar gets murdered was graphic as it should be.

Well, that about sums up my thinking on the show.


  1. "Well, seeing as how Game of Thrones actually has about three of the actors from Rome, maybe they already did?" Honestly...I feel like HBO has one arrow in its quiver that it keeps reusing. It limited my enjoyment of this show because I just don't like Game of Thrones and it feels so similar, sex, violence, and nothing to the imagination. I probably sound like an old man complaining about that, but it just isn't my cup of tea

  2. I also fell in love with the sets. Like the Westerns or old starring John Wayne, I felt like the actors were there. I wasn't scrutinizing for anachronisms and I wasn't distracted by an overall air of "faux."

    Yeah, it's graphic... I think life in those days was graphic. Barbaric acts were somewhat common place; honestly sex and blood is still pretty commonplace. The nightly news around larger cities is pretty elfin frightening.
