Saturday, March 5, 2016

HBO series Rome thoughts

I found myself fascinated and glued to my iPad while I was watching the episodes of Rome. The setting and directing was on point to say the least. I think the series completely nailed the pin on the head in regards to the atmosphere of ceasars "triumph" episode when all the Romans cheered and ribbons and pedals fell during the ceremony. The execution of the king of the Gauls was very gruesome. As the crowd cheered I felt that the public excecution sparked support for Cesar's so called triumph and his domination. In the second episode it became more apparent to me the role of the women in the series. Servilla, the mother of Brutus was in my opinion one of the major roles influencing the murder of ceasar.  Lastly, I felt the series strayed a little from Plutarch when it came to the murder of ceasar and how Antony and Brutus responded. Did anyone else almost feel bad for ceasar as he was getting killed? I did. I felt like he wasn't portrayed as that bad in the two episodes that I watched.

1 comment:

  1. I have to be honest, when it came to the killing of Caesar I was a little disappointed they didn't end up going with saying "Et Tu, Brute?" I mean I know that they weren't pulling from Shakespeare, but since we started dealing with Caesar that line has been all I've wanted. I guess I'll get it after break though.

    My favorite part of the show had to be the totally awesome sets and costumes. I can only imagine how awesome it must have been to work on that show, even as an extra
