Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Caesar seriously needs to clean out his friends list...

As I read the assignment, in the back of my mind I just kept thinking, "Why does Caesar's life require so many dang names?"  It was ridiculously hard to follow Ceasar's life because Plutarch was forever dropping names.  Seriously, clean up that Friends List dude, it's not how many people you know that defines you... Duh, everyone knows that!

I also took away that Caesar had a sense of humor.  He kind of reminded me of Flynn Rider from Disney's Tangled.  He was a bad guy, but not a baaaaaad guy.  His wanted poster was the bane of his existence because it asked for a paltry sum as well as distorted his face.  In the same way, Ceasar took that pirate ransom and was all, "Do you know who I am!"  Takes a pretty cocky SOB to double his own ransom.

And hey Plutarch, thanks for the Pirates, I friggen love pirates.  Arrrrrrrrr!

I was impressed by his tactical prowess when moving his army about and collecting men and loyalties like it was NBD... Generally he's a pretty legit General.  It would appear he lead not by the power granted in position, but rather the power compelled and enforced by respect.

But that Claudius disaster...what in the heck was that all about? Not gonna lie, I'd have ended that beardless bastard's life for that nonsense.


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  2. You have a good description of Caesar's attitude! He's not a villain, but a somewhat badass with a sense of humor. I have been trying to pinpoint how to describe him. He did, however, do his fair share of villainous acts. I think he was just good at working his way through life when it comes down to it. An expert of sorts which is probably how he maintains his god-like status even today.
    Even the Roman gods did evil and immoral things to mortals and each other, and they were still worshiped. Gaining respect and social status from the Romans seemed to be a tricky process all about balancing being a brutal warrior and a charming, witty leader.
