Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Why Julius Caesar?

We finished Shakespeare, we did it! However, I do have to say Shakespeare was a walk in the park after reading Plutarch.
I like the dialogue between the characters, it gave the plot more depth and understanding. Also since my preferred media is audio I was able to listen. The sassiness in Act 4 was pretty funny, from a person that wants to be a leader a Rome is acting like a little kid.At the end of the day you need to man up if you want to rule in the future and bragging about what you have done to certain people will only weaken you. Now let’s talk about the ghost, we all knew it was coming, would it be a Shakespeare if there was not a ghost, I feel like the play wouldn’t be complete. 
This may be just me but I still don’t understand, why the play is called Julius Caesar, why not Marcus Brutus? I mean when you think of it the play doesn’t end when Caesar is killed. There are at least a good two and a half acts after Cesar’s death. I feel as if this whole play is about all the life choices that Brutus makes in his almost rise to leader of Rome.


  1. I agree, Shakespeare should have titled the play Marcus Brutus, the play is oriented around him the whole time, and there is alot of evidence as we discussed in class to argue he is the protagonist of the play. However, what if William did title the play marcus burtus. I doubt the name would carry as much emotion as the name Julius Caesar. Even though Julius Caesar wasnt in the majority of the play and died early, i feel like the title gave the audience something to look forward to because everyone has heard of Caesar and probably had an opinion of him going into it.

  2. Its nice to be done with Shakespeare, all that thinking we had to do while reading it was just too much for a play where in the end everyone is either killing themselves or each other for fame. Maybe the play is called Julius Caesar because yes it seems to be just about Brutus but no matter what anyone is talking about ultimately it is revolves around Caesar. Even when Caesar isn't the one talking Caesar is still on everyone's mind.

  3. Despite what we said last class, I believe that Julius Caesar is an essential but at the same time, not most important, protagonist. Without him we would not have a story. All of the stuff that happened is a result of Julius Caesar's death, which is why he can be considered a protagonist. It is called Julius Caesar not because he is the main character but because he is the causing factor of the story.

  4. I agree and disagree. I can't stand titles that do not resemble the basis of the story, which the story is clearly about Marcus Brutus and strife for power. But the title does give away the person who sparks the motivation, who is Julius Caesar. If he hadn't been the ruler he was, Cassius wouldn't have hated him to the point to persuade Brutus to conspire against him, or maybe he would but we don't know that. If Julius Caesar hadn't been killed, then a war would not have sparked between Antony and Brutus.
