Tuesday, April 12, 2016

queen elizabeth

The queens transformation is undoubtedly apparent. she transforms from a young intelligent and literate girl to a ruler. Her final form tho is a statue??? I get the idea behind why she would want to be viewed as such but is that really worth throwing your life away... Like you could have still danced and enjoyed the things you did behind closed doors. Hell she could have danced all night and caked on all that make up and drew some eyeballs on her face and slept on the throne for the rest of the day. Like really....

I just think life is to precious to throw away like that just to become an icon. You could have been one for eternity anyways and not go down for a dirt nap that early... But I digress. I feel like she lived life backwards kind of like Benjamin Button did. She grew up and was wise and intelligent and through out her midlife had to kind of just figure it out just to grow old and make unwise/crazy choices. Like straight Queen of hearts.... except pretty... dress and all.

Clearly she was playing the game of thrones, and clearly she won because she still is an eternity later... ( #GOT hype) All in all, I think her "sacrifice" could have been noble... I just cant wrap my head around how she came across the logic that she had no other choice than to be a divine statue... Like soldiers aren't soldiers and cops aren't cops all the time. You have to be able to be "human" also. which is why I think her final development was what drove her to be as mad as the mad king Aerys Targaryen.

K I am done.


  1. I love your opening statement of the second paragraph because it's so true. I feel as though Queen Elizabeth lost her true purpose because she was so focused on becoming the next iconic figure. Honestly, she just needed to be a good leader and people would look up to her and respect her. She missed so much of enjoying the little things in life, literally like smiling, because she had tunnel vision on one focus.

  2. I definitely agree with you about her final transformation. It wasn't really necessary that she give up and forgot about who she was before she became queen. I can't say for sure, but there's no way she could have been happy living as a statue. Although, who knows, maybe she was completely content with herself.

  3. I definitely don't think I'd have chosen the statue for my final image. The appearance of stone is closer to death than holiness in my mind. There's a whole world of powerful female images Elizabeth, can we pick one that wasn't carved?
