Thursday, February 25, 2016

My Media!!!

I am not the most social person in the world but like everyone else, I have ways of communicating with others. My primary method is video games. Yes, I love playing video games, who doesn't.

I got started on video games at a very young age, my first system being a Super NES. My favorite game, Earthbound. Back then a person who spent all day playing video games was regarded as an introvert and a shut-in. Those same people nowadays would not be considered those things as often because with the evolution of video games people can now talk to their friends as well as people from the other side of the planet. Video games have become just another form of communication, like Facebook.

Speaking of Facebook, I never really got into the trend with it. Mostly because I heard that once you make an account, you can never delete it. The most you can do is deactivate it and even then people can still look at it. However, despite this it seems that Facebook has taken over because whenever you do something such as signing in to a game you just downloaded on your phone, it almost always gives you the option to sign in using Facebook. I am calling it right now; eventually Facebook is going to be used just like our Social Security Number.

Don't even get me started on Twitter. I tried it once and haven't done it again. I could not understand how it worked at all, and only recently have I understood the concept of hashtags. I can't really say anymore about Twitter because I know so little about it.

Social Media has evolved and taken over. In the beginning it was created just so friends could talk and stay in contact with one another but now it has turned into a marketing scheme. 

Have you ever wondered why it is called Social Media, well here it is. It was originally called Social Networking because obviously the social part being you talking with your friends and the networking part being the series of different computers and Internet devices being used and linking together in order to communicate. Don't confuse what I am saying with the actual definitions, Social Media and Social Networking are actually two different things. However, in pop culture today people use the two terms to mean the same thing. Over the years as the Social Networking sites grew they began using advertisements, and promoting various items and as time passed Social Networking included Social Media in it an thus the terms become interchangeable.

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