Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Im not saying it was media... but it was media

I guess the type of media I am naturally drawn to is the news…on the tv…? Yes question mark… Media and I don’t get along very well for multiple reasons *cough tonypandy and bias cough* I like to know what is going on in the world, whether it be overseas or closer to home. So the overall news venue and I have a complicated relationship.

I tend to stay off of most of the social media sites. The app market is flooded with so many communication type programs that I have no interest in even attempting to keep up with which yakbookspacechat things that are in the current fad.

Okay maybe I lied a little bit. I use FB to keep up with friends and family that are spread around me but that’s about it. Instagram is okay but definitely No candy crush or Arnold combat war games.

In today’s world every bit of information ever known is floating in your pocket. We have access to it 24/7. When I grew up pagers were the biggest thing to have. Now every toddler has an IPhone. I have an understanding of media and how it works, and personally believe it’s our greatest feat and our biggest down fall. I believe it brainwashes society. The brainwashing has become so intense that when you pass by someone you don’t know, or uncomfortable with, or just don’t want to make eye contact with…9 times out of 10 you pull your phone out and open facebook instead of interacting.

If you haven’t figured it out by now I kind of dislike electronic forms of media. I did this thing as a kid called playing in the woods with sticks and mud. I would rather experience media first hand. For example going into the forest for a hike instead of looking pictures up on the interwebs, or go to a concert instead of paying a dollar for a song on Itunes on my phone…etc. Seeing a breathtaking landscape and being exposed to not only the visual aspect but the sounds, smells, and feelings of the ocean by a bonfire on a cool summer night will always be better than just seeing it on Instagram. I do have to admit seeing a picture can without a doubt stir emotions and touch ones soul but its still not the same.

The application and formality of the media and which venue it used to share that information is a big deal. Like we saw in class with the visiting professors different forms of media portray different messages. If I could have an ever changing newspaper (like in the harry potter films) that would snuggly fit in my pocket I would be squared away. Whatever medium of media I deal with has to have credibility and legitimacy. Unless its onion news network, they are the most legitimate news source ever known to man…ever!

Main point being I don’t really mess with the “media” stuffs. It is nice to relax and pull out a tablet and browse cool stuff or investigate cool things but I just can’t do it for long. Unless it’s something ludacris that will give me a laugh like…#ninjacat on IG or some meme. Totally don’t know if #ninjacat is real now I have to use media to find out…damn. Totally just gave away that I am an old man. 

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